Oracle Apps Ar Module Pdf

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Oracle Apps Ar Module Pdf Converter

Oracle Apps Ar Module Pdf

Oracle Apps Ar Module Pdf Download

Following script and get all the packages related to API in Oracle applications, from which you can select APIs that pertain to AP. You can change the name like to PA or AR and can check for different modulesselect substr(a.OWNER,1,20), substr(a.NAME,1,30), substr(a.TYPE,1,20), substr(u.status,1,10) Stat, u.lastddltime, substr(text,1,80) Descriptionfrom dbasource a, dbaobjects uWHERE 2=2and u.objectname = a.nameand a.text like '%Header%'and a.type = u.objecttypeand like 'PA%API%'order bya.owner,