Elster Power Master Unit Software

Posted by admin

The Elster Meter Programming Software (called PMU - Power Master Unit); is available from Elster for free. If you go and visit them in Industria in Johannesburg, they have a stack of CDs that they give away for free.It is always best to check with Elster first, since they bring out newer versions of the software from time to time.The version that we currently use to program Elster A1140s and A1700s is PMU 2.4 and can also be downloaded from us at:The software to program the Elster A220 and AS1440 is called Alphaset, and is also available from Elster.

Elster Power Master Unit Software Free

You can find it from us at:The software to program the Elster AS230 is called PMU 3.0 and can be downloaded from us at:Tags.

Elster smart meter software

Unfortunately not, but I too would be interested in anything you learn about this.I have several sites that have A1700 meters that I would like to get data from. “FLAG” is apparently another name for “IEC 62056-21” and both those probes say they are “IEC 62056-21” so would that mean they are “FLAG”?OPTICAL PROBE HEAD TYPESOptical probe heads of the following standards and types are available:IEC 62056-21 – (formerly known as EN 61107 and EN 1107 also called ‘1107’ or ‘FLAG’) an international standard adopted in Europe and many other countries for optical probes magnetically attached to meters. They comply with transmission standards IEC 62056-61 & -62 and DLMS/COSEM EN 13757-1. I have come across various revisions and unofficial links to various places whilst trawling the net. These are the 2 programs I found most relevant to the a1700.both those links I’ve sourced from by searching today but it was a long time ago I downloaded them, so I cannot recall where exactly I got them.The default user:password for SMARTset is Elster:Elster (which I can confirm works) and the default user:password for an a1700 meter is apparently root:xxx but I have not been able to confirm that either way (not sure if it’s fact, if I’m using it correctly or even if my meter is still default or has been changed). Again I have seen this info in multiple places but I kept.Are you making any progress? The cable arrived this morning, using the Elster SMARTSET program I can get this far 12:41:58 Logon12:41:58 COM4- /?!12:42:00 12:42:00 COM4- 05112:42:00 COM4- 12:42:00 P0(C24416E1B400A88F)12:42:01 COM4- P2(000000)b12:42:01 R1798001(10)e12:42:03 COM4- R1798001(10)e12:42:04 (2D2D2D2D2D2D4747343432)v12:42:04 COM4- R1798001(10)e12:42:04 (2D2D2D2D2D2D4747343432)v12:42:04 ERROR: Bad response to R1 command received.

Elster Power Master Unit Software Reviews


Elster Power Master Unit Software Pdf


(72)12:42:04 COM4- B0q12:42:05 Logoff. Useful link - how to make password for Elster A 1700Additionally, decoding the trace aboveIEC62056-21 HandshakeIn serial port connection default IEC62056-21 settings are: Bitrate 300, 7E1.“/?” + deviceSerialNumber + '!rn'Send query to the device containing “/?!” and a new line (0x0D 0x0A) without the quotations. This requests the identity information from the device.The device responds with serial number and the maximum connection speed. The reply data is formatted as follows:/XXXZ Ident and a line changeXXX is the manufacturer nameZ is the maximum baud rateIdent is the Identification info of the device.Z is the most important part of the device and is defined in single number:0 - 300 Bd1 - 600 Bd2 - 1 200 Bd3 - 2 400 Bd4 - 4 800 Bd5 - 9 600 Bd6 - 19200Bd7, 8, 9 - reserved for later extensions. Stuart:I went with a USB version of the probe from ebay - all works well.Of the one I linked to? Which one exactly?The descriptions do not inspire confidence, I see all 3 are listed as having a “Connector pinout: 2.54mm pitch pinheader socket: 5V in, RX, GND, TX” which only really applies to the 1x non-usb version and the “Optical Probe IEC1107 IEC6-21 with USB cable,Optical Probe for Windows” doesn’t work work with windows 8 or 10. I assume you have gone for the more expensive “Optical Probe IEC1107 IEC6-21 with USB cable Windows 10 version” but just wanted to be sure as there is obviously some mindless copy and pasting going on with the listings.Does it come with any paperwork or guide etc, have you contacted them for any support or assistance?

They do have a website but it’s pretty limited. There is another phone number (ie not the 0845 one on ebay) on the contacts page.I’m unsure whether to buy one and try with the meter I have (with your guidance perhaps?) or whether I would be chucking good money after bad if it is beyond me or the meters passwords have been changed. Its the Windows 10 USB one - cost £38 delivered.The cable works fine - has a simple USB Serial adapter inside it - nothing flash and the cable feels quite cheap, although it does have a nice magnetic clamp onto the meter.The supplied instructions and software attempt to connect to the meter and get a reply from it - the program supplied didn’t work with my meter.I used the Elster SmartSet - and this does connect to the meter, obtain its “hello” message and then appears to stop at that point. The smartset software appears to be sending “000000000” as its P2 message which is a reply for a password challenge. Potentially I’ve configured the software wrong - and/or the meter is locked/password changed.