Altis Life Rpg Arma 3
Altis Life RPGbyTonicDescription:What is Altis Life? Many of you may be familiar with older life missions from ARMA 2.
This comes with some of the basics expected to be in a life mission but built from the ground up from scratch. It features a MySQL back-end saving system for players and vehicles along with some mini-admin functionality (Nothing that allows spawning but to monitor players). This has been in development since the ALPHA and I think it is time that I start letting others host the mission. This originally started as Stratis Life, I got interested in building this when a group of people decided to make one from scratch and I commend them for that but at that time it didn't seem like well. They were ready to build such a system and I thought I could make it better and more robust and so I did. Over the time I lost interest in it and let people from the community in which I coded the mission for start to work on it.
For a few they added in some neat new stuff that people really liked but once it came near Altis release / A3 Release I decided to rebuild the system once again to make it better, more modular and all around more stable and I did (somewhat). Sadly there are still parts of the old system I built in the system such as vehicle shops, etc. They are meant to receive a massive overhaul when I find the interest to do them. Download two player airplane fighting games software. After a long 6-7 months I have decided to just release the mission so that others may be able to host it for their community and here we are.Features:.
MySQL Back-end player saving and vehicle saving. A basis mission template / framework to expand upon. Economy System / Banking. Civilian legal and illegal Jobs. Day & Night Cycle (As always in my missions). Other stuff that I wasn't prepared to write.Installation:This comes pretty much as a standard mission except it comes with an addon called @lifeserver, this file is required to be ran only on the server for it to function.
Later on in the future the need for this will be removed as I only used it to keep server-side files away from the public and will be merged into the mission at a later time.Arma2MySQLArma2MySQL is required for the mission to work and without it the mission will NOT WORK and will lock up the server. A database schema is provided in the download called arma3life.sqlYou will need basic DBA knowledge to setup the server and manage the SQL side. I will not explain how to do this however I will say a few things about the setup.1.
This was only tested with MySQL Server 5.5 (Strict mode must be disabled).2. The database / schema MUST BE CALLED arma3life3. Only basic user permissions are needed (SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,EXECUTE,TRIGGER,EVENT).
Anything more and you are at risk of being exploited.LIMITED help / support will be given with setting up the MySQL side, if you are not willing to put time into reading about MySQL and managing it then stop reading. This mission is NOT a grab and play mission it requires time to setup and good configuration.The MySQL end supports three player specific things, Cop whitelisting / levels, Admins and donators (for those that want to give back to their members that donate to support their server). The donator thing was never a focus of mine but was wanted by the community I coded it for as a thank you to its members. The Admins part is meant for Admin specific features such as Cellphone reports, global messaging and ability to use a mini-admin menu which allows you to see basic stuff about a user (Money, current gear). The mini-admin panel is not designed for spawning in things.Configuration / Accepted:Configuration of NPC placement / etc is allowed via the Map Editor, things that are branded as Seal Team Sloth may be changed (except anything related to crediting,etc). Most of that can be found in Briefing.sqfAdditional configuration can be found in the core/configuration.sqf file or core/config. Item pricing is in lifeservervars.sqf (That's server-side).
Some other configuration variables / files may be scattered but 98% of it is available in the config folder. I never finished standardizing the configuration process because it was never meant to be released.Notes / Thoughts:I really wasn't prepared to release this in a neatly made format nor with proper documentation as it was rather unexpected of me to release it.
There are a lot of parts of the system that are still buggy and other parts needing to be rewrote (carried from the old system I made for Stratis as a test-bed) but all around the mission functions and has popularity. This release isn't something I expected so soon so therefor I apologize for the bad presentation of it and documentation but I am honestly tired of people asking for it, trying to steal it and buy it off of me and I think this project / mission is one of the reasons why I am losing interest in ARMA and need something new to shift focus towards. Releasing this gives me some sort of relief. Continuous development will be held on Seal Team Sloth (STS) Life Server, when changes meet release standards new versions will be released. Don't go trying to snatch early builds / changes from it, you will be frowned upon.Altis Life RPG by Tonic is licensed under a CThe reason for the strict agreement is quite simple really.
I do not want another Wasteland, I built this from the ground up and I made it the way I wanted it to work. I don't want to see a bazillion spawns from this being distributed everywhere and credits being removed leading to confusion on where this came from and who made it.
Arma 3 Altis Life Scripts
I want it to be a standardized mission that most servers run that agree to the terms. I accept that people want to modify things and really around pricing and I will allow that but I don't allow distribution and branding name being changed throwing off confusion. I would also like to refer people to: AMAR (Addon Makers For Author’s Rights)Usage / Terms of agreement:. The branding of the mission is to stay ‘Altis Life RPG’. This means you cannot modify it to say something else. I.e Atlis Life by YOURCOMMUNITYNAME/TAG.
Everything about the naming / branding is to be left untouched. Naturally all credit is to remain intact on all files.
Author cannot be modified via Description.ext but can be extended in briefing.sqf. All of my code is not to be used outside of the mission in another ‘Life’ like mission.
AsYetUntitled, formerly Altis Life RPG and ARMARPGLIFE is a roleplay framework for ArmA III originally made by TAWTonic.This Github is not currently associated with any forums. Features:. Police, Civ and Medic roles. Banking System. Virtual Item system.
Vitem shops, vehicle shops, weapon shops, clothing stores etc. Housing System. Persistent wanted system.
Many more.License:Altis Life RPG by AsYetUntitled is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License Links:. Discord:. Forums: TBD. Wiki:. Releases (Stable Builds).